has always loved being a teacher and inspiring others.
At a very young age she had an awareness that God was real and that He wanted a relationship with her as her loving heavenly father.
As Paula grew in relationship with God, she discovered in His Word spiritual truths that have impacted and dramatically changed her life in many ways.
Because of her passionate life with Christ, Paula has gone from shy to courageous, timid to confident, fearful to fearless, and she wants you to know, "So Can You!"
Paula Today.
Today Paula is an inspiring, passionate, prophetic leader who pastors, travels and teaches both nationally and internationally.
She has authored 3 books, Waltz with Me, Itzy and Bitzy Learn to Share and Sweet Dessert for the Soul. (Check out her blog "Sweet Dessert for the Soul" here.)
Paula is an anointed woman of God who has a passion to release the presence and "glory of God" in the earth today as she ministers prophetically in word, song, and the "gifts of the spirit."
Paula's spirit-led ministry uniquely communicates God's powerful prophetic message that crosses culture, gender, and the nations.
Join Paula
Join Paula today as she shares Biblical truths that are sure to make a difference in your life!
Join Paula at Noon as she ministers daily on Facebook.
Read Sweet Dessert for the Soul which is Paula's blog page that will surely satisfy any hungry soul.
Watch Paula on YouTube as she activates you with her Supernatural Mentoring 101 series.
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