You are Unstoppable!

3 truths I discovered while reading the book of Ruth.

#1) No one is coming to save you! In verse 6 of chapter 1 Naomi found out that no one was coming to save her or her daughters in law from the famine; so she arose! She had to find the PUSH deep on the inside of herself. No one was coming to parent her and tell her what the right thing to do was.

#2) You have 5 seconds to decide what you are going to do. In between verse 15 and 16 of chapter 2 we see the opportunity to go for it; so Ruth chose! And when you don’t choose within the 5 seconds you choke; just like Orpah did…so she went back to what was familiar…the famine.

#3) Learn to celebrate your small wins! In verse 10 Ruth bowed in gratitude because of the generosity of Boaz and Naomi was wowed. You may think a small handful of grain is nothing big to celebrate but try being really really hungry and it looks like a feast!

My takeaway: Rise Up, Don’t Choke, and always Celebrate your small wins as you are on the way to becoming UNSTOPPABLE!
Hope this helps you as much as it has me.